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Re: Prelude - Graceful Oaks: Portents and Omens

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 1:50 am
by Muskrat
Once Celevan has the fire going and Allareia has some warm tea in her, she goes over to Syrronas and says, "Let's take a look at that wound." It looks minimal, but given that they are traveling through dangerous territory, it seems best to get the sorcerer back to full strength if possible. Despite the combat and rain, she seems to have rapidly recovered her cheerful disposition.
Heal check. Given that the wound isn't severe, I'm not going to use either the healer's kit or the Eloth'lirien on this particular wound.

Re: Prelude - Graceful Oaks: Portents and Omens

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 2:01 am
by Trogdor
Celevan works quickly to get their camp set up, gathering what little dry wood he can find to start a small fire for tea and warmth, and also to dry out some of the wetter wood he finds. Once the tea is brewing, he works on shelter, trying to get the travelers some shelter from the cold rain. Finally, he sets a few traps and snares and returns to camp.

"Thank you, Suli," he says to the eidolon, who has been guarding the camp during this process. I think we're safe for the moment. Please, go home, rest, and heal. We'll need you tomorrow when we cross the Darkmoon Plain." Normally he would scratch Suli behind his hears before he left. But for now he just gives his companion a smile. No sense risking the spread of that horrible goblin disease.

Suli nods is response and then sits back on his haunches. Immediately a bluish glow surrounds him, taking on an almost mist-like quality. Over the course of several seconds, the celestial spirit disappears. And as he does, the rune on Celevan's forehead also fades. In a moment, both eidolon and rune are gone.

Re: Prelude - Graceful Oaks: Portents and Omens

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 4:28 am
by Vardaen
Allareia gets some tea in her, and it warms her cold wet limbs. Eventually she is ready to check on Syrronas' wounds. The Elohim Paladin kneels at the red haired Elf's side and undoes her healing kit. Some bandages, ointments and herbs, along with some hot clean water is what she uses to set to work. Cleaning the wound, dressing it and applying the bandage, Allareia tends it rather well. It may leava a mark, but it won't get infected, and a good nights sleep should be enough for the sorcerer ro forget he was even hurt at all in this battle.
Dreams wants to use this option for healing.
Treat Deadly Wounds

When treating deadly wounds, you can restore hit points to a damaged creature. Treating deadly wounds restores 1 hit point per level of the creature. If you exceed the DC by 5 or more, add your Wisdom modifier (if positive) to this amount. A creature can only benefit from its deadly wounds being treated within 24 hours of being injured and never more than once per day. You must expend two uses from a healer's kit to perform this task. You take a '€"2 penalty on your Heal skill check for each use from the healer's kit that you lack.
Roll 17 + 7 (Healer's Kit) = 24 Success

DC 20 = 1 Success really, so Syyroas Healed +1 HPs. He's now suffering 1 wound, which will heal naturall over night!
Celevan says his thanks and his good-byes to Suli, and stops himself from scratching the wolf behind the ear. It vanishes in a halo of blue light along with the rune on Celevan's forehead. The rain turns to snow after a few hours, and the daylight turns to night. If all goes well tomorrow afternoon or later you should arrive in Falcon's Hollow.
Alright you are ICly caught up to Ellsbeth (MV) and Vren (paradoxa). I'm still a touch behind with the Dwarf Twins so we stall here a touch. Please just take the chance to RP getting to know one another, etc. We'll have tou traveling over the Darkmoon Plain (as mentioned above) all day tomorrow before you arrive at the River Foam and Falcon's Hollow and Chapter 1!

Re: Prelude - Graceful Oaks: Portents and Omens

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 8:38 pm
by Trogdor
Celevan builds up the fire and sets the rabbits Suli caught the day before to cook. "We'll want to be well-rested and well-fed for the journey tomorrow. The Plains are generally safe if you know how to travel through them. But that's no guarantee. The land is ever changing. So it's impossible to know the location of every danger. It's best if we make it across as quickly as we can, without any unnecessary stops."

Re: Prelude - Graceful Oaks: Portents and Omens

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 10:46 pm
by Wayloss
Syrronas joins Celevan at the fire, he seems to enjoy the warmth as his clothes steam away from the heat as they are forced to shed their moisture. "A dry roof will be a rather large blessing once we arrive. Do we have a plan on how we should investigate? Do we ask questions of the townsfolk or simply look for ourselves." He turns his hands around to allow the backs to warm and the food to cook.

Re: Prelude - Graceful Oaks: Portents and Omens

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 3:05 am
by Trogdor
"I'm not sure what the situation will be there when we return," Celevan replies. "I'm afraid we'll have to play it by ear." He pokes the fire to stir the coals. "We'll get you two a room and see what things look like. But frankly, I had been hoping to bring someone back who might have been able to cure illness. My plan had been to treat the problem I saw, not investigate where it came from." He shakes his head. "As for now, well, I'm not entirely sure how to proceed." His words may not be helpful, but at least they're genuine.

Re: Prelude - Graceful Oaks: Portents and Omens

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 4:15 am
by Muskrat
Allareia is also enjoying the warm fire. She says to Celevan, "Part of the problem seems to be that the fungus never died off. While I would be happy to do my best to treat those who are ill with my meager healing skills, it would seem to be best to go to the root of the problem. In this case, literally. Do you think there is any way we can effectively eradicate the blackscour fungus? At least from the water supplies the town uses."

Re: Prelude - Graceful Oaks: Portents and Omens

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:58 pm
by Trogdor
"There are ways to deal with the fungus," Celevan says. "And if trouble does hit Falcon's Hollow, I'm sure the residents will start doing so. But I fear it may be too little, too late. As for what we can do." He shakes his head. "There may be a little. But we certainly can't go into everyone's houses and make sure they boil their water before drinking it or using it to prepare food. That's the best precaution they can take. But for most people that's too much work. And without the city leadership requiring it, most people won't bother."

"Unfortunately, it's usually the warmth of spring that stops an outbreak. But I'm not sure if it'll get warm enough now to stop it."
V, are there any ways to deal with the fungus? I figure no. But given that this is a fantasy world, I figured I'd ask.

Re: Prelude - Graceful Oaks: Portents and Omens

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 4:05 am
by Muskrat
Allareia nods as Celevan speaks. "I think it may be worth the trouble to explore if there's a way to stamp out the outbreak." Her face and voice become grim. "With Mulcarn walking the world and Secullus slain--may his memory be holy--the winters will likely only grow longer and the summers shorter. We will see much of this problem of the blackscour in the future and not only in Falcon's Hollow. I think we will need to find some way to hold the blight in check, for the good of elves, humans and dwarves alike."

Re: Prelude - Graceful Oaks: Portents and Omens

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 4:30 am
by Trogdor
"Well I'm glad to see that there are some who take my warnings seriously," Celevan says as he looks in the fire. "And I'm glad to have your aid in this. I'm not sure what we'll be able to do about the blackscour. But at least we can try."

"But blackscour is just the tip of the arrow. It's not the only plague, infection, or fungus that grows in the cold weather. If the temperature keeps dropping, I fear that problems like blackscour will come up again and again." The summoner sighs. "You'd do the people of Falcon's Hollow a far greater service if you were to convince the Elohim elders to take this problem seriously." He gives an ironic laugh. "But then I'm hardly in a position to criticize, having just failed to do the same with both the Elohim elders and the leaders of Falcon's Hollow."