Creature: Darkspawn

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Creature: Darkspawn

Post by TetNak » Fri Dec 04, 2009 11:44 pm

Darkspawn are tainted creatures that dwell in the Deep Roads. When they uncover one of the Old Gods, they somehow change it into an archdemon, which then leads them in an attack against the surface world called a Blight.

The darkspawn function in a sort of hive-mind once an archdemon has been awoken. Otherwise they war amongst each other as much as against the other races.

Territory conquered by the darkspawn becomes diseased, a rotting place of twisted creatures infected by the blight. Creatures that come in close or frequent contact with the darkspawn often become diseased themselves. Examples include blight wolves and ghouls. While the blighted creatures often work alongside the darkspawn, most often because of force, their lifespan is such that their use is severely limited. Even a ghoul's lifespan can usually be measured in months.

According to the Chantry, it is the hubris of men that brought the darkspawn upon the world. They teach that when the magisters of the old Tevinter Imperium entered the Golden City, they offended the Maker, and brought corruption to it. They were cast out, transformed into the hideous monsters known as darkspawn, and forced to flee the light of the sun, retreating into the Deep Roads.

The dwarves give little credit to Chantry beliefs, but they themselves have no known origin story for the darkspawn. As far as the dwarves are concerned, the darkspawn simply appeared. The darkspawn hordes that invaded the Deep Roads ended up crippling the dwarven empire, leaving only Orzammar and Kal-Sharok, the latter of which was completely isolated from the outside world until recently.

Whether the Chantry's information on the origin of the darkspawn is correct or not is uncertain, but no opposing story of their origin has been put forward. It is also worth noting that the Blight Beasts (blight wolves, corrupted spiders, etc) as well as Broodmothers are not in fact Darkspawn at all, but Ghouls.
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