Ahmir Sektioui: Swimming in Scum

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Ahmir Sektioui: Swimming in Scum

Post by Brennor » Sat Sep 08, 2012 6:11 am

Image You find yourself on the Scum Barge Ecstatic Metamorphosis. You originally embarked on this ship at the last port, so you've only been on the ship for a couple of days. Your last ship security contract expired at that port and you figured that such a crossroads of Transhumanity as the Scum Barge would allow you to find another gig as a bodyguard or additional ship security work.
This Scum Barge was previously a colony ship, but is now a gigantic floating city that lazily wanders space from port to port, and is run by members of the Scum Faction -- basically a nomadic black market where anything goes. This particular ship has a central cylinder that is rotated giving light (0.4G) gravity. The rest of the ship is without gravity. Parts of the ship are open bazaars, others are non-stop nightlife and there are even some areas where you can seek out some rest or privacy. This ship is also accompanied by a swarm of smaller craft as it goes about its business.

These anarchists fully endorse full personal control over one's own body and mind and wholy embrace body modification and experimentation. There are no police and very few restrictions. The only rule is that you can't do anything to endanger the ship itself. Anything else goes.

People come here to party, for vacations, to buy and sell illicit goods. You can find pretty much whatever you want here and it is possible to do so and do it without people finding out what you've acquired.

Since you've been on board, you've seen what you believe is the entire cross-section of Transhumanity. Members of all factions, all types of morphs and even all ideologies have been encountered.

At the same time everyone receives an encrypted message via the mesh (basically an email directly to your brain). Your notifications pop up and after all security codes are entered and checks are successfully passed, the following appears in your view when you open it:


Firewall can't come right out and say that bad things are happening, in case the message is intercepted. But you know that the following are code words. An "Art Dealer" is actually a weapons dealer, and a "masterpiece quality artwork" is actually a weapon of mass destruction. So this message is saying that Firewall learned that someone on this scum barge is attempting to sell a weapon of mass destruction and they want you to prevent that from happening.

Also included in the message is a link to a simulspace, which is a virtual reality that you can access via the mesh. In this case, this is a hidden simulspace with passcodes, which you now have. Provided you enter the simulspace, you see a simple conference room with a round table in the center of it, with four comfortable chairs arranged around it. There are no decorations, just simple grey walls with a simple flourescent light above the table.

At this moment, no one else is in the conference room. You do have a date and time contained within the encrypted message though. That meeting time is 2 hours from now.

Only Eanwulf should be posting to this thread...

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