VtM - Dramatis Personae: Positions of Power

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VtM - Dramatis Personae: Positions of Power

Post by Kakita_Gokumoro » Mon Jun 27, 2005 1:00 pm

Tristina, Ventrue Prince of Seattle

Having been a part of Seattle nearly since the city's founding, Tristina has held the reigns of power over the city for nearly a hundred years. Ruling from her private domain of Mercer Island, she mingles with the rich and through her childer has controlled much of the city's development.

That ended after the Anarch siege.

With nearly all of her childer destroyed, her grip on the city has loosened. Where once she was the ultimate authority over the night, she now struggles to regain her loses while fending off usurpers intent on staking their claim over her offsprings' corpses.

Hailing from British aristocracy, Tristina presents herself with grace and poise under all circumstances. Those who have mingled with her socially find her to be wonderful company, while those who cross her quickly realize that her urbane exterior can quickly give way to calculated malice that inevitably ends with the object of her displeasure's destruction.

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The Primogen

Post by Kakita_Gokumoro » Mon Jun 27, 2005 1:39 pm

While the Prince of a city may ultimately have authority, in many instances it is at the suffrage of the Primogen that she rules. Generally comprised of the eldest members of their respective Clans, the Primogen argue Kindred policy among themselves, each jockeying with the others to ascend their respective Clan to the forefront of Kindred politics.

In Seattle, the Primogen was (and still is) fragmented, fueled by old rivalries (both personal and Clan-based) and distrust. The Anarch siege has heightened these rivalries, with each member considering how best to use the upheavals left in the siege's wake to destroy their enemies.

The Primogen of Seattle are:

Elisa, Brujah Primogen

Having centered her efforts within the city on controlling Seattle's academic institutions, Elisa physically looks improper to hold such a position as she does. Embraced in her later teen years, many overlook the fact that she may well be the city's longest resident, having made her home in Seattle since before even the coming of the Prince.

Warren Meeks, Malkavian Primogen

No one in the city has been able to discern Meeks' plans or machinations. He has been known to support various contradictory positions with equal zeal, only to turn on his allies seemingly at a whim. Only those who would court disaster curry the Malkavian's favor out of anything but desperation. While he has no real temporal power on his own, his Clan has gathered control of a good deal of Seattle's medical industry, something Meeks has on occasion used to his advantage.

The Leper King, Nosferatu Primogen

Diseased and club-footed, the Leper King has risen to the lofty heights of power he now enjoys through his control of the city's underworld. Note that he has left the various organized criminal organizations to their own devices (they provide too much publicity). He does, however, through means unknown, control a veritable army of petty thieves, prostitutes, independent drug dealers, smaller street gangs, and so on. If something is happening within city limits (or even sometimes beyond), the Nosferatu know of it.

Lord Edmund Scott, Toreador Primogen

A former Prince in his own right, Scott is the very definition of aristocratic arrogance. Formerly the Prince of Richmond, Virginia, there are no doubts of his political ambitions within Seattle. With his control and patronage of Seattle's social elite (a prize he constantly fights with the Prince over), he has the ability to sway public opinion within the city and abroad - a mighty influence indeed.

Elliot Gaine, Tremere Primogen

Perhaps the least impressive of Seattle's Primogen, Elliot is the only member of that body who is not the eldest of his Clan. His star, however, is in ascendance, having recently cemented his control of the city's labor unions and other local blue collar enterprises. What he plans to do with his newfound influence has yet to be determined.

The Empty Chair, Ventrue Primogen

Marsha Blackburn, whose sphere of influence orbited around Seattle's lawyer community, formerly held this position. She met the Final Death during the Anarch siege, and her position on the Primogen has yet to be replaced.

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Lesser Positions

Post by Kakita_Gokumoro » Mon Jun 27, 2005 5:57 pm

Julia White, Brujah Interim Keeper of Elysium

Elysium is one of the few places where the Kindred can relax their guard and simply enjoy unlife. Violence is forbidden there, though one could argue that the sharp words spoken in the Elysium courts are even more fatal than the sun.

Before the Anarch Siege, Stephanie Friedman, a Ventrue firmly in the Prince's court, held this position. However, Elysium was one of the first places the Anarch's struck, sending many of the city's undead socialites to their Final Deaths.

A new Keeper has yet to be selected, but for now, Julia, one of the city's few surviving Harpies, was chosen by the Primogen to take the position while a replacement could be found. Thus far, she has performed her duties with enough competence that such a replacement seems hardly necessary. For her part, the catty Brujah socialite has grown to enjoy the power and prestige the position grants her.

Gregory Niles, Toreador Seneschal

When the Prince is unavailable or away, it is the Seneschal's duty to keep her house. Some would argue (quietly) that the Seneschal is the "go to" person within the city's hierarchy. Seattle's Seneschal, Gregory Niles, fills this position almost impeccably.

Largely regarded as a compromise between Edmund Scott and Tristina, Niles has taken to his political appointment like a proverbial fish to water. Considered a poseur among the city's Toreador (A Clansmen who has no artistic aptitude), he has more than proved his worth to both city and CLan.

Jonathan Pierce, Ventrue Sheriff

While the Prince (along with the Primogen) dictates the laws that bind the Kindred, it is the Sheriff who enforces that law. While he doesn't have the age comparable to his position, Pierce is more than capable of making Seattle's various malcontent's see things his way. Along with his ghouled enforcers, this former Washington state trooper is a feared sight among many within the city.

After the Anarch siege, Pierce has enjoyed even more prestige, as it was his tactics and brute strength that turned the tide of war in favor of the Elders. Many now owe him boons, and if he were to demand more political power it would be difficult to imagine him not getting it.

Dr. Ian Koves, Malkavian Scourge

The Sheriff enforces the laws of the Prince, but the Scourge acts as a free roaming assassin, with license to destroy any who he feels is acting against the betterment of the city. For his part, though he would disagree, Ian Koves is perfect for the position.

A research doctor in life, Koves is quite possibly the most stable Malkavian in Seattle. He has no interest in power or politics, except in the case of the city's medical industry, and then only so far as to allow him unlimited specimens and a quiet place to work to carry out his various research projects. Still, the sight of the emotionally detached doctor prowling the back alleys with his scalpel is enough to chill the blood - even of the undead.

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