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Re: Capitulus Primoris: Edge of Darkness - Arbites

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 5:10 pm
by Vardaen
Solaria spends the rest of the day doing her normal activities, but the night arrives quickly, and morning comes not soon enough for the Arbite. Challenges await and she wants to get to them.

So waking early she readies herself and gathers her gear. It will take hours to reach the location on the paper, and she begins to give her plenty of time to get there. Traveling the Hive she soon arrives without much issue at a section of the higher-mid hive of Sibellus, and while not far above the sky might be visible from those hab blocks, here however; deep in the city there is no sun, no stars, no moon, only the weight of the city pressing down on one. The trip has been uneventfull, a few transit changes, and the Arbite stands double checking her direction, the numbers on the side of the metal alloy buildings count out various number: HR45-IJ78 heading north, and GG45-01 heading south, while five more similarly labeled tunnels through the Hive 'clearly' mark the hub that Solaria stands in. Several of the passages are blocked by heavy iron portcullis, with Imperial Guard standing watch behind them. Others lead into rubble or ruin, but the pass the Arbite requires heads north and is open to travel. She is almost there, just down the tunnel lies her Fate.

Re: Capitulus Primoris: Edge of Darkness - Arbites

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 7:43 pm
by jigglypuff69
She nods at the Guardsman as she passes, anticipation eating at her. A single hand sneaks down to her autosnub, the other fingers the baton on her belt. Walking forward, she stays wary, heeding the warning of the Magistrate. Now would not be the time to fail. She continues forward, looking down the tunnel, looking for her destiny.

The End: Edge of Darkness - Arbites

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 8:32 pm
by Vardaen
At the appointed hour, Solaria has made her way through the bustling faceless masses of the Administratum quarter to an unmarked service elevator platform set in the rear of a vast and imposing building covered in bas-reliefs of skulls, half draped urns and other symbols of death, crowned by an immense statue of a weeping saint. It appears that you are expected; the wizened face of the platform's inbuilt servitor studies you and pronounces "Pass" as you climb on board. As your superiors implied, you are not the only person called to task here, already waiting on the platform is what could only be a Tech Priest....
Here ends your solo. I'm going to move you over to the other thread for the time being. Jump over to the Mechanicus thread with TetNak and post there for the time being. Nice intro RP.