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Re: Impossible Processing

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 12:27 am
by Trogdor
Jericus nods, his face remaining impassive. He hadn't really expected her to be alive. But in some ways, this was worse than death. "Very good," he says simply.

Re: Impossible Processing

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 12:36 am
by Vardaen
The woman takes you into the back, and you see a small operating theater, "This is where the pyskers are brought in and have their skulls sawed open so that the significant portions of their brains can be removed in order to serve as the main ingredient for the Farcosia we produce for the Serrated Querry." She pulls back a bloods sheet to reveal a man there missing the top of his skull and all of his brain. "Don't worry, as ordered we don't let the rest of the body go to waste either." She gives you a tour of several more smaller areas, "the rest of the facility is dedicated to using the psyker's bodies as the basis for servitors or turning the cadavers' parts into commodities to be sold to individuals and races that will pay for such goods." She motions at a few other smaller rooms ad explains their use. The other rooms of the facility consist of a storeroom, which houses various ingredients from other sub-sectors, a cogitator that controls and coordinates the servitors within the facility, a small armoury, and a dormitory with a few small bunks. "...but most of the work goes on right here at the main line." She ends the tour where it started.

Re: Impossible Processing

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 12:46 am
by Trogdor
Jericus nods approvingly at each step along the way. Thankfully, his training in medicus skills have inured him to the sight of blood. When they reach the end, he speaks again. "Very good. Do you foresee any problems with keeping up production? Are the detectors still revealing a sufficient supply of 'donors?' More importantly, have there been any inquiries regarding missing people that might disrupt operations?"

Re: Impossible Processing

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 12:50 am
by Vardaen
She scratches at her head, "Well if something bad happens like the rumors going around about what happened in Hive Sibellus that would sure screw things up." She shakes her head on question two, "No problem, the fools in the Joyous Choir still have no idea that those we detect as True are really just pyskers that end up here for processing. So supply has been fine, and no one seems to give a Ratlings ass about it. No one but you and Theodosia have come around asking questions."

Re: Impossible Processing

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 1:04 am
by Trogdor
"Yes," Jericus says. "Well thank you for such a detailed and informative report." He looks back at the others on his team. "Do any of you have anything to add or have any further questions?"

Re: Impossible Processing

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 2:57 am
by TetNak
Sword replaces his sword for the charade. As they walk along and see what is being done, everyone should be very pleased the man is wearing a helmet. His eyes boggle in anger and rage. His hands tremble slightly as he forces himself to hold off on drawing the blade again and cutting the woman in twain.

Re: Impossible Processing

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 7:50 am
by ManWithDoor
Damien draws upon his considerable willpower not to begin shooting every technician here in the back of the head. Given his notoriously bad aim, he might hit every place on their body first, before hitting them in the face. Honestly, he wouldn't mind that. Reclaiming much of the Psyker-dampening technology for the Inquisition would be a good thing, but besides that, he wants to cleanse the whole place with unending fire. ... but he can't, at least not with anything Warp-related. He feels like a little kitten. Regardless, he follows Jericus' lead for now.

Re: Impossible Processing

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 3:46 pm
by Grimbold
Haxtes looks at everything without a glint of emotion. Of course it was wrong, breaking the holy rules. But like a mistake, an error in some program, it would soon be set right. No need to worry, be angry or afraid.

Haxtes takes special care to look at the technology used here, whether he can see how it works or what it does and what makes it go on. If there is some detail he does not understand, he asks e.g."And how is this device powered?"

Every once in a while, he takes a pict with his pict recorder. "We need to document this for our superiors." he says.

Re: Impossible Processing

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 7:11 pm
by Trogdor
Jericus nods when he sees that no one has anything to add. "Very good," he says to their guide. "The Serrated Query will be very pleased with your progress." Then, with a glance back at the others he adds, in the same even tone he's used throughout, "try and save the woman and one or two others for questioning. Kill the rest." As he speaks, his shuriken pistol practically leaps to his hand as he fires off a fully automatic burst at the nearest group of scientists.
Free Action: Draw weapon (Quick Draw)
Full Action: Full Auto burst at nearest scientist.

Re: Impossible Processing

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 8:20 pm
by Vardaen
The whole thing is terribly wrong, the very space you stand in is somehow taking up more space inside than outside. Everything Haxtes has learned from the Tech Priests of Mars and Adeptus Mechanicus says its impossible for this to exist, yet the machine in him has truly removed his humanity and he feels no emotion about it.

Sword and Damien, their pyskic powers suppressed, and watching unwitting pyskers being dissected for their brains to be made into the drug Farcosia are the complete opposite. If their powers could explode with emotion in this chamber they would, but the wards prevent that, and that fills them with more rage.

Jericus manages to keep the bluff going long enough to collect all the evidence and knowledge he can. Surely the Serrated Querry is happy with things here but the Inquisition is NOT! "Try and save the woman for questioning."

That's about all anyone has to say, but to make his point Jericus draws his Shuriken Pistol and blows a man's head off that is cutting some powder and refining it down to some sticky substance. His head explodes from the shuriken's put into it. The Servitors do nothing, they just keep working, but the human workers, the scientists and overseers scream out in terror!
For the most part these are non-combatants... have fun you can RP your kills and such. Its a massacre.