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Aftermath: Inquisitor Sand

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 8:49 am
by Grimbold
Haxtes has not said a word since getting on the pods, but everyone knows him by not not to be the most talkative person. I must get to my workshop and repair all this armor and weapons. he thinks. When the inquisitor enters, he does not snap to attention, but just stops moving, totally, staying just as he was. Then he offers the book to the inquisitor, saying nothing.
My sheet says Haxtes has the book, so he is offering it to Sand.

Aftermath: Inquisitor Sand

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 3:04 pm
by Vardaen
Sand reaches out and puts a loving hand on the sword, "The Luminous Reproach, a relic, a true holy weapon in the fight against the Warp. How stunning. We are blessed to be in its very presence. You wielded it, so Jericus' report say, how did it preform? Beyond expectations I am certain." Never have you seen Sand so enamored of anything, so emotional as he is about this blade. It is a joy for him to see it you can be certain.

Haxtes then produces the Book The Liber Daemonica, and Sand's attitude returns to the cold calculating version of himself that you know. "This is a rare find, and no wonder the Dark Eldar wanted it. The Liber Daemonica is a very dangerous book, it holds secret and forbidden knowledge that can twists and destroy weak minds. You were wise to leaving it sealed shut. All manner of forbidden daemon lore can be found within.It is said to also contains the sacred rites of battle for the
Grey Knights."

Sand looks at the Space Marine who nods knowingly of that sacred Space Marine Chapter.

Sand continues, "It is said the pages within discusses tactics and how to fight the denizens of the immaterium, as well as, listing the True Names of a great many Daemonic entities. The book too should offer an extensive discourse of when to terminate compromised allies and a whole chapter discussing the moral implications and appropriate use of Exterminatus. It is a powerful tome, perhaps more powerful than the sword."

Sand then gives Molochan a look, "And you are this Molochan I read of, your team is dead, and one was a traitor of the Serrated Query? You will come with me when this over, I have many questions for you." Molochan nods to Sand, "I have alerted Inquisitor Marrs as to my current situation. He will wish to be present also." Marrs, you've had some dealings with that Inquisitor before.

Sand collects sword and book, "Rest, clean up, you have earned a break."
This chapter is nearly at an end, once you resolve the RP with Sand we'll be done.

Aftermath: Inquisitor Sand

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 3:24 pm
by TetNak
Sword is less enamoured by the sword than Sand, "It has a keen edge, surely. It was helpful in our fight." He makes not mention that his own psychic powers were far more useful. He is also not surprised that the sword is going to Sand, show seems to covet it. "A bath, I could use one of those." He nods and places a hand on Damien's shoulder, "Good work out there."

The enigma known as Sword will take his leave, bathe, rest and meditate until he is called on for the God-Emperor's glory once more.

Aftermath: Inquisitor Sand

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 6:07 pm
by ManWithDoor
Damien blinks at the larger man, unused to praise from the taciturn man. "Thank you. I couldn't have stood toe-to-toe with their warriors, like you can. But give me an open shot at a Xenos who underestimates me, and I can make him pay for it." He fingers the scar along the left side of his face, wincing slightly. "Maybe I should get a better helmet though."

The End

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 3:18 pm
by Vardaen
Sand seems disappointed by Swords' feeling toward the sword, "Against a daemon this blade has never known its match." He stands, and collects the two items, "You have earned yourselves some rest. Once the Navy has finished up here, they will shuttle you back to the surface. I shall call on you again when I must, for now, go, enjoy your free time." He motions at Jericus, "Senior Acolyte Jericus, you will come with me, I have further questions that need answering."

Jericus nods and follows along.

Brother Sgt Agamorr, Space Marine, Adeptus Astarte of the Deathwatch bows to you, "It has been an honour to serve with you. I hope some day again we shall have the pleasure to charge into battle side by side once more together. Till then, Emperor Keep you!" He stalks from the chamber to return to his duties.

So ends the chapter! I'll get the next one rolling as soon as I can.