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Diplomacy 3 - Press center

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 2:12 pm
by Grimbold
Spring 1901

Welcome to the game.

The players:
England - Melvyst
France - Vardaen
Germany - Hayabusa
Russia - Evil Monkey
Turkey - MadVlat
Austria-Hungary - Amaris

Starting Locations:
AUSTRIA - A Vienna, A Budapest, F Trieste
ENGLAND - F London, F Edinburgh, A Liverpool
FRANCE - A Paris, A Marseilles, F Brest
GERMANY - A Berlin, A Munich, F Kiel
ITALY - A Rome, A Venice, F Naples
RUSSIA - A Moscow, F Sevastopol, A Warsaw, F St. Petersburgh (SC)
TURKEY - F Ankara, A Constantinople, A Smyrna

Re: Diplomacy 3

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 2:17 pm
by Grimbold
First Turn Deadline: Friday, 21. Oct 2011, 8h00 GMT (=2h00 am Eastern Time).
I would like to keep all OOC and rule stuff in spoilers, and just the newspapers outside. If needed, we can open an OOC thread. pm me if you feel it necessary.
Keep in mind the rules for making a province your own - you need one unit in it in the fall!

Please repost your news articles from the game opening thread. Have fun!

Re: Diplomacy 3

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 3:22 pm
by EvilMonkey
The St. Petersburg Star

Tzar Zloi-Obezyana Enters Peace Talks

Today the Imperial Palace issued a statment saying that our esteemed leader has entered into negotiations with the leaders of several of our european neighbors. The Tzar also gave a short speech at the beginning of the conference saying; "Today we enter into a new age, one of peace and prosperity for our respective nations. "

The conference has been rife with rumour and intrigue as to whom shall be our allies and who our enemies are. Throughout the day, the Tzar was seen to be deep in conversation with the leaders of Germany, Turkey, and France. Though nothing can be said for certain as to what came of these talks it should be taken as a good sign.

England's Prime minister was seemingly neutral in the whole affair, no doubt owing to the relative distance between our two lands. The Italian diplomats we're nowhere to be found though the Italian embassy has stated that they could not be in attendance due to an outbreak of bad mushrooms and an invasion of various species of turtles.

However the Leader of Austria was seemingly hostile to the peaceful advances of our leader. Rumours abound of jealousy in the Tzar's choice of a wife, claiming that when the news broke of his engagement, the Queen of Austria was seen crying in her room in the dark playing a sappy love song.

Re: Diplomacy 3

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 5:04 pm
by Vardaen
Paris Daily Gazette

France bénéficie d'un temps de longue durée de paix et de posperity seulement brisée par les déclarations audacieuses lire des terres sauvages de l'Est de la Russie et la Hongrie. Espions français rapportent que les deux pays ont conclu des négociations secrètes pour s'emparer du monde. Nous devons protéger nos vins et fromages à tout prix - les personnes de bonne beward Europe!

Re: Diplomacy 3

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 5:58 pm
by MadVlat
"TURKISH TRIBUNE" Emir Tootsie Baba Invokes Peace talks

Today Emir Tootsie Baba pleaded with his european counterparts to join him in peace talks in Constantinople. He has hope that the other leaders will see the light and join him in an era of economic expansionism. The emir does hope that all attendees will have room to be seated at the council table, as he could only rumage up three 2x4's and a couple of vegetable crates to make the table with...

Re: Diplomacy 3

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 6:00 pm
by MadVlat
"TURKISH TRIBUNE" French Terrorists Cell Discovered

Earlier today reports of the French terrorists organization "Le Frog", were filed with the Bulgarian foriegn office. Bulgaria's close turkish allies vowed they would send a force of 15,000 troops to help root out this scourge. The terrorist organization is believed to have urinated in the water pitchers at the Constantinople peace talks, but these reports are as of yet unconfirmed...

Re: Diplomacy 3

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 6:17 pm
by MadVlat
"TURKISH TRIBUNE" Peace Keeping Weapon Revealed

Today at the Constantinople summit. A press release was held outside of the summit yurt. In it, word of Turkey's new peace keeping weapon was brought to light. The weapon, a seven hundred and fifty foot sand polished mirror, capable of reflecting the image of even the most narcisistic of french nobility without cracking from the glare. Said weapon was used against forward units of the terrorist cell "Le Frog". Sending them running for the Austrian border in tears. England was impressed by the display which targeted the countries historical enemy and ordered three dozen...

Re: Diplomacy 3

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 6:22 pm
by Vardaen
Paris Daily Gazette

French Prime Minister, when asked about the ridiculous statements reported in the Turkish Tribune responded with only, "When did the Trukish people learn to read or write? Worry not, they are like a child with a new found toy. Eventually they will get board of literacy, as they have with every other civilized activity and return to sodomizing their goats." He waved his hand and the topic away, popped another bottle of wine, and enjoyed the rest of day.

Re: Diplomacy 3

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 6:42 pm
by Hayabusa
Preussisches Abendblatt
New German Chancellor elected
In a surprising move the former head of state of Germany stepped down after a failed vote of confidence and the new Chancellor of Germany was elected in an astonishing landslide victory. After the votes were counted and the victory announced, the chancellor took the floor and promised peace and prosperity to Germany's people and new alliances with its continental neighbors. The roaring applause after the speech was the longest in German history and private festivites of the new chancellor's party went on until the early morning. In the aftermath the Chancellor announced that he welcomes all embassadors for private meetings to strengthen the bond with our allies.

Experts still speculate about the new Chancellor. Not much has been known about him. However, for some people the victory has not come as a surprise as the Chancellor's party has quickly expanded in the past years and gained seats and support in the Reichstag as of late. The only confirmed fact is that our new head of state has been a protégé of the Minister of Prussia before his death. Close relatives of Wilhelm II have told us that the German Emperor is a trusted friend and supporter of the Chancellor and his party.

More details in our next edition...

Preussisches Abendblatt
German Chancellor denies any involvement with the French

[Constantinople] At the Constantinople peace summit the Chancellor declared that his country has not been involved in the so-called "Urine Attacks" from the supposed French seperatists. However, there has been open hostilities between the French and German leaders as they sat on the vegetable boxes that have been set up by Germany's Turkish friends. The Chancellor has met with our eastern friends repeatedly and discussed possible alliances with Russia and Turkey, if rumors can be believed. Any meetings with other European leaders, except the Austrian-Hungarian queen have been brief and lead to no common interests. The "Cheese- and Wine-contract" has in fact been confirmer but the unshaven armpits of the French put a halt on the remaining talks.

Turn to page 10 to read about the rumors between our beloved leader and his private meetings between him and the head of state of our south-eastern neighbor...

Preussisches Abendblatt
Germany puzzled over rumors of England's allegiance

[Berlin]The minister of international affairs and chocolate was confused about the reports of England from the international press. "It has come to my attention that the major countries on the European continent have claimed to be in talks with the English. From what I can understand there seems to be rumors about their meetings which the ambassadors and release statments about an upcoming treaty with the isolated island-nation. However, none of it has reached us about it from our Russian and Turkish friends. If they were conversing behind our back we would have to reconsider our trade-relationships," the minister said. When asked about the latest actions along the French-German border, the minister left the conference and didn't comment anything. But sources from inside the Ministry of Defense tell us about the German interest in French cheese and wine, but not their disgusting smell. "The filthy French poodles can keep their armpit-flavored piss-brew," were the only words we heard from the steps of the ministry before the police dragged the lone bum from the stairs.

Re: Diplomacy 3

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 6:57 pm
by Vardaen
Paris Daily Gazette

It was bound to happen, the German forces have crossed the Wine! Not the Rhine, but the Wine! They have dared to insult the national drink of beloved France. We here at the Gazette didn't want to do this, but we are forced to take action. We publish a picture of the Germany Chancellor's mother... a face not even a son could love. This explains his total lack of diplomacy!
