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Traits and Keywords

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 7:20 pm
by Vardaen
So this will be to track various traits and keywords and their meaning along with symbol changes. Game terms are just renaming of core game mechanics, little more than just re-themeing of a word or term. Common Traits becomes a bigger change, some of these are going to be nothing more than fluff, while others will work off various cards, "Attach to a Magistrate" or "Target a Duelist" that sort of thing. They won't have rulebook effects of their own. Some might however and we'll have to see. Right off the bat I can think of Shugenja having some rule that allows only them to attach spells to, so each spell card doesn't have to have that text on it.

Game Terms and Symbols
LotR --> L5R
Willpower --> Honor
Resource Token --> Koku Token
Threat --> ??? (Seduction/Corruption/Dishonor)
Ranged --> Kyujutsu
Sentienl --> Yojimbo
Shadow--> Focus
Shadow Effect --> Focus Effect

Common Traits
Clan X (Crab, Crane, Dragon, Lion, Phoenix, Scorpion, Unicorn)
Minor Clan X (Mantis, Sparrow, Fox, Centipede, Wasp, Dragonfly)
Yoritomo's Alliance

Traits and Keywords

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 4:22 pm
by Vardaen
Honorable and Dishonored States

So a big piece of L5R is if your characters are honorable or dishonored. I think that has to come into effect here. Characters, heroes and allies, start play as Honorable. When they becomes Dishonored you flip their card upside down to show they are dishonored. Card effects play off this state, perhaps only targeting Honorable Samurai, or raising threat if you have a dishonored guy, etc.

The way to rehonor someone is key. Ways to rehonor them would be via card effects. Perhaps also:

Refresh Action: Discard the top card of you deck. Raise your threat by the card's Focus Value. Rehonor a target character you control.

Playing with the Focus Value becomes tricky, as you may want to have high FV cards in your deck for Duels or Tacticians, but rehonoring your characters with these cards are costly. It shows the greater honor of these more powerful cards and deck types.

Traits and Keywords

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 4:59 pm
by Vardaen
Cleaning this mess up:

Duel - When a card would "start a duel" between two characters (a player character and an enemy card) take the following actions. Deal both cards a Focus card from their respective decks. Reveal and resolve the Focus effects beginning with the challenged character. (The character that starts the duel, is considered the challenger, so the other character's focus effects resolve first). The character with the highest Focus Value then deals an attack to the other character. In the case of a tie the challenged character wins. This attack does not exhaust the character, and is other wise treated as an attack against the other character's defense and hit points.

Focus Value - Cards will now have a small icon with a Focus value on it, this will be on both enemy and player cards.

Focus Effect - Player cards can have Focus Effect as well that may alter the outcome of a duel. Player card Focus Effects are always optional. Enemy Focus effects will use the following wording: "Duel Focus: Then the effect that happens if this card is revealed in a duel" or "Combat Focus: The effects done by this card during a combat" or Focus: The effects done by this card during both a combat or a duel."

Duelist - If only one character in the duel has the Duelist keyword than they gain the following. "If this character ties in a duel they are considered to have won regardless of who the challenger was" A duelist may also find he can be the target of special card text or effects.

Calvary - A character with the Calvary keyword can target enemies in the staging area when he attacks alone or with other cards with the Calvary keyword.

Spells - Cards with the Spell trait can attach to Shugenja only. A Shugenja may only have a number of spells attached to it equal to his current Honor.

Tactician - After a card with the Tactician keyword quests successfully you may ready it.

Kiho - Event cards with the Kiho trait can enter play in one of two ways. First it may be played as normal by paying its cost and playing its action before discarding it. The second option is to attach it to a Monk for no cost during the Planning Phase (you must still have a resource match). It becomes a Kiho Attachment with the Restricted keyword attached to the Monk. You may now perform the Kiho Action of that card. The Kiho is then discarded.